Friday, March 6, 2009

Steps to Success - Ten Small Steps To Take Towards Weight Loss

Steps to Success - Ten Small Steps To Take Towards Weight Loss
Ten little things you can do to lose weight without going on an all-or-nothing diet.
Steps to Success - Ten Small Steps To Take Towards Weight Loss
I'm going to be honest with you: losing weight isn't easy. Keeping weight off isn't any easier. It takes discipline. It takes some major changes in your life. It takes a little motivation, too.

Not ready to make such a large commitment yet? In order to make the task of losing weight or leading a healthier lifestyle in general a little easier, it's best to take it one step at a time. If you break it down into small steps you'll find it to be much easier than taking the huge leap many dieters do. In fact, many of those who do take it as a big leap tend to revert back to their old ways more so than those who break it down.

Here are ten small steps you can take to start losing weight. Start wherever you'd like, whenever you'd like. What's best is that you do this on your own terms rather than following some strict, rigid plan that nobody can follow to the T. Try taking one step every week or two until you've added each one into your life. You'll find that by the time you're done you'll feel better physically as well as mentally.

Step One: Cut Out the Pop

Soda. Pop. Coke. Whatever you call it, if it's not diet, it's going to pack on the pounds if you drink it regularly. Even diet soda isn't highly recommended, though if it's weight loss you're after and you're not willing to give up all sodas then they are a good alternative. The best drink alternative, however, is water. Tea comes in as a close second. If you normally drink a can of soda every day, cutting it out of your daily routine will save you around 150 calories. Over the course of three weeks, you will have saved 3150 calories. 3500 equals one pound of weight, so that's nearly one pound lost right there!

Step Two: Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is an excellent way to burn a few extra calories. If you're physically able, you should really give it a try. You'll burn more calories and the more you burn, the more you'll lose.

Step Three: Eat More Veggies

I'll admit: this isn't easy. I have a hard time with it myself. Regardless, vegetables are high in nutrition and low in calories. You'll feel full after eating them but you won't have consumed as many calories as you might have if you were, for example, eating potato chips.

Step Four: Park in the Back of the Lot

We've all done it, especially on cold or rainy days: driving around for fifteen minutes trying to find a closer parking place. By parking in the back of the lot, not only are you saving time and gas, but you're burning more calories during your walk to the door. Even when it's -10 degrees, you'll be glad you took this extra step because by adding in little extra bits of physical labor into your day you'll be one step closer to a healthier, happier you.

Step Five: Drink Your Water

Eight glasses a day seems like a lot, but it really isn't as bad as you'd think. A 20 oz. bottle of water is 2.5 servings alone. Two bottles is 5 servings, and if you drink a third plus a little more you'll have your servings down without a problem. The important thing is to spread it out during your day. It'll keep you from snacking as well as keeping your body hydrated.

Step Six: Cook With Olive Oil

Olive oil might be a little more expensive, but a little goes a long way both functionally and flavor-wise. Olive oil is a much healthier alternative to other cooking oils because it is filled with the good fats that we need in our diet rather than the bad saturated ones. These good fats will help us to feel satiated after a meal rather than hankering for seconds.

Step Seven: Take a Walk

I know I personally am not big on working out. It takes time and feels like a hassle. If you, too, find it hard to work out, try taking a relaxing walk instead. Don't think of it as working out. Think of it as an enjoyable activity. You can enjoy the outdoors, take your canine friend for a walk, or put on your headphones and listen to some music while enjoying the scenery. Even a quick trip around the block every day will bring you a little closer to better health.

Step Eight: Pump Iron

By pumping iron, I don't mean that you have to go to the gym and bench press or dead lift a large amount of weight. Go to your local department store and pick up an inexpensive pair of 3, 5, or 8 pound hand weights. These small weights are a great way to build some muscle mass without putting too much effort in to it. Look at fitness magazines, do a Google search, or check out a book from the library on weight lifting if you're not sure how to do a proper bicep curl or squat. Just five minutes and a few reps each day will help you to build a little extra lean mass. That muscle, in turn, will rev up your metabolism.

Step Nine: Put Down the Cookies

Think about what you eat in a day. Are cookies, cakes, or other sweets frequently in your diet? I know they were in mine! Try cutting a few things out. Say no thanks to that piece of birthday cake and when you go grocery shopping put the cookies back on the shelf. Little things like this will go a long way.

Step Ten: Smile!!

Just think of all the progress you've made!! By taking it one step at a time, you've brought yourself a little closer to being a healthier person. Don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work. Smile, and maybe even reward yourself with a shopping trip or another favorite enjoyable activity. You deserve it!!

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